• Pure Rosemary Essential Oil- 15 ML

    • Can mix rosemary oil with other carrier oils like <ahref=”https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/oils/health-benefits-of-coconut-oil.html?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=smartlinks”>coconut oiland jojoba oil and apply topically which hydrate the skin.
    • Just mix few drops of this oil to own shampoo and conditioner bottle or rub diluted rosemary essential oil onto scalp and see the miracle
    • Put few drops of rosemary essential oil and mix with pure and clean water and inhale it that reduces mental strain, helps in exhaustion and reduce lethargy.
    • Add five drops of rosemary oil to diffuser to get natural aroma which is best for health as this chemical free.
    • Mix 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops of peppermint oil 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and rub on sore muscles and painful joints which increase circulation and reduces inflammation and pain.
  • Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil-15ML

    • It can help heal any damage occur from dehydration, add a few drops of cinnamon leaf essential oil to a table spoon of coconut oil then rub the mixture onto the lips
    • Mix few drops of cinnamon leaf oil and diffuse for one hour to eases symptoms of congestion and bronchitis.
    • Cinnamon leaf essential oil is great for treating hair as it contains a high amount of natural antioxidants, just mix few drops of this oil to own shampoo and conditioner bottle and see the miracle.
    • Can directly inhale this oil from the carrier as well as added to freshly boiled water to use as a steam treatment. It relieves headaches and relaxes.
    • To avoid chemical loaded bug repellent use a spray bottle filled with filtered water and 2- 3 drops of cinnamon leaf oil to get rid mosquitoes, flies and other insects.
  • Clove Essential Oil- 15 ML

    • Clove oil is extremely warming; Sambridhhi Clove essential oil is 100% pure. When diffuse this oil it boost comfort and warmness generally in winter.
    • Simply combine a few drops of clove essential oil with carrier oil for dental care
    • Very effective for scalp infections applying a few drops of clove oil along with coconut oil can prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair.
    • Few drops of clove oil mix with sesame oil is very good for massage purpose and act as pain reliever.
    • A few drops of the oil, if rubbed on stomach area can reduce Gas and help eliminate toxins from the body , dilute with carrier oil

    Clove Essential Oil- 15 ML

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